Monday, November 22, 2010

Mimi and Papa meet Kallie

On Friday Mimi and Papa (my in-laws) flew into town from Florida for a visit. Eric and I were so excited to show off our baby girl and Coho of course. It was such a fun weekend having them at our house. Mimi got lots of Kallie time and was a baby whisperer when she was crabby :) Coho had Papa wrapped around his little paw after about five minutes. He was even out in the snow playing with Coho this morning.

My parents came over on Sunday for brunch so they could visit with Eric's parents too. They have met before but it was during our wedding chaos so it was really nice to have more time to chat.

I am sure I will have more pictures to share by the end of the week but here are a few from the last few days...

1 comment:

  1. what great pictures! the video is awesome..She is so cute and i cant believe how much she has grown since we last saw her and it was only a couple of weeks ago...with all the grandkids, i see many future trips to seattle!! love you all
