Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Veterans Day Assembly

Today Eric and I attended the Issaquah Valley Elementary Veterans Day Assembly. Kallie and her classmates have been practicing for weeks and she was ready to go. I am so glad we took time off to go because it was a great performance by all. It was an extra special day because Eric and all of the other veterans lined up and the kids shook their hands thanking them for their service (or if they were too shy there were lots of high 5's). I could tell by the look on Kallie's face that she was very proud to show off her daddy . . . and I think daddy was just as proud of his baby girl.


Mrs. Dukes Kindergarten Halloween Party

Today Kallie's class had a Halloween Party and I was excited to be able to chaperone. All of the kids looked great in their costumes although I think Wonder Woman was the cutest if you ask me! The room was decorated and the kids loved the Halloween themed treats and games. I think it was a nice break for them to just have fun!