Thursday, November 17, 2011

Happy 15 months

I have no idea where the last month went but I am happy to report that Kallie is a healthy 15 month old. She is 33 inches tall (75%) and 23.4 lbs (75%).

Kallie over the last month you have learned so many new things. Most importantly you took your first steps!!! You were smiling from ear to ear and so were we. You love walking back and forth between mom and dad but are still hesitant to let go of the furniture. You are also quite the talker. Sometimes I think you are speaking Chinese and you look at me expecting to speak Chinese back. Your favorite words are mama, dada, dog, duck and ball. You are also starting to work on your animal sounds and body parts. Right now your favorites are moooo and roar . . . and you pretty much know all of your main body parts thanks to grammy :)

You are such a beautiful, smart and funny girl. We love you so very much and feel so blessed!

Monday, November 7, 2011

First Steps

For months Kallie has loved pulling herself up and holding on to whatever it is for dear life. Over the last month or so she has started to cruise along the furniture and go from one piece of furniture to the next. Well on Thursday (11/3/11) she decided to go for it! She stood up from Eric's lap and walked (well wobbled) over to my lap. She was smiling and so proud with each step she took. This weekend she continued to walk between Eric and I but is still a bit too scared to let go of the furniture to do it all on her on. Eric and I were so proud when Kallie took her first step. Watching her overcome each milestone brings us such joy. Our little Kallie B is already starting to become such an independent little girl. We love you baby girl.

This video was just too cute not to post . . . our little dancer!