Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween

This weekend was full of Halloween fun. I hosted a costume party for my PEPS group on Saturday. It is so crazy to look at last years picture versus this years, our kiddos are so big now! Sunday we had the cousins dress up for dinner at my parents house. We never get to see all the kids dressed up so we took advantage of the great photo opp.

On Monday Kallie's daycare had a Halloween parade. She was so excited when she say the runway lined with pumpkins and that Grammy and Papa were there to watch the parade! She even walked the entire way (with some help from mom). All the kids had so much fun and there were some great costumes.

We ended Halloween trick or treating at our neighbors houses and then passing out candy. We were shocked when we ran out of candy (4 bags) around 7pm. I guess it was probably a good think b/c Kallie B did NOT like giving out our candy she wanted to take each piece out of the bowl one by one and then watch mommy put them back in the bowl . . . GOOD TIMES.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Pumpkim Patch

Saturday was the day we were planning on heading to the pumpkin patch near our house. Well in true Seattle fashion we woke up to pouring down rain. When the weather broke in the afternoon we went for it. Of course the moment we arrived it started raining but we were already there so we stayed any way. Kallie loved looking at all of the pumpkins and loved pushing the wheel-barrel. We stayed just long enough to pick the perfect pumpkins and of course get some great photos. I am so excited to make this a Bates family tradition.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Our weekend in San Francisco

This weekend we took a quick trip to the S.F. area to visit our friends the Knudsen's. We had a great time going to the farmers market in downtown S.F., playing in the sand at the beach, going to Oktoberfest and relaxing on the patio while the kiddos played and the adults had a cocktail. Kallie was such a trooper the entire trip. She was all smiles, constantly exploring new things (literally never stopped moving) and she loved following the boys all around the house chit-chatting the entire way (just like her mom).

Sometimes a weekend get-away is the perfect way to get recharged. This weekend was exactly that; and we enjoyed every minute!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Happy 14 Months Baby Girl

Wow, the last month flew by! My baby girl is already 14 months old and I have no idea where the time went.

Kallie the last month has been so much fun watching you grow and learn. You have become your own little person before our eyes. You know what you like and what you don't like and let us know immediately.

You can't walk on your own yet but you love using your walkers to cruise around the house and just recently you started cruising around using the furniture as your guide. It is too cute . . .you walk back and forth from the couch to the ottoman with a huge smile on your face. You also just recently started to LOVE reading books. You pick a book, hand it to your daddy or I and then crawl over and snuggle in and then repeat. I am pretty sure we did that for over an hour on Saturday morning but I was loving every minute of it.

The last 14 months has been such an adventure, We love you Kallie B!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

A Day at the Zoo with Coop

Kallie had her first trip to the zoo with her buddy Cooper at the beginning of September, on his birthday in fact! We were not sure how the kiddos would react to the zoo since they are still pretty little but they had a great day. Coop loved running in the grass and the petting zoo while Kallie loved the otters, fish and of course the monkeys.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Just having fun

Kallie has been quite the busy bee lately. I swear she never sits still (I think she got that from her mom). Here some pictures from the last few weeks!