Friday, March 13, 2020

A Pandemic in the US!


It feels surreal to write this but here goes . . . a pandemic (COVID 19) has reached the United States.   School actually shut down!!!  I didn't even know that was something they could do but here were are all kids are learning remotely from home.  Microsoft, Starbucks and most businesses have also shut down and shifted to working from home until further notice. I have no clue how we will manage working from home and trying to teach/help Kallie through her school day . . . and more importantly help her through this uncharted territory.  I won't lie my anxiety is high and the unknow scares me!

It is kind of ironic because they day before school shut down Kallie came home sick with a fever and was miserable for 5 days.  We have no clue if she had COVID but happy to report she is back to her happy self.