Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Christmas 2012

We had a wonderful Christmas this year. We spent time with both of our families and enjoyed watching Kallie really get into the spirit of the season. She loved looking at Christmas lights around our neighborhood and especially like to see the lights on our house when we would drive into the driveway. She was certain her elf on the shelf “Crack Crack” would turn them on ever night for her . . . one day she will realize it was daddy but for now it is so much more fun to play make-believe!

Kallie also loved hearing about Santa and singing Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer over and over and over! She was so excited to leave him cookies and carrots on Christmas Eve and even MORE excited to find out that he ate the cookies and that Rudolph took a few bites of the carrots too.

Kallie loved opening presents this year – she would start gently and then realize ripping the paper into little pieces was way more fun. Santa brought her an easel for artwork which she loves, a beautiful princess dress and a play Dr. Kit which she uses every night. She insists on giving her daddy and me check-ups by listening to our hearts through our belly buttons… why not! She also loves the dolly-house and assortment of clothes and books from her Nana, Grammy & Papa and Mime and Papa. She is one spoiled little girl . . . just how it should be!

My favorite part of the holiday season was reading Kallie Christmas books every night before bed just like my mom did when I was little. I ordered the Golden Books Rudolph, A Christmas Story and Frosty. I am excited to keep this tradition going with my own family!