Monday, September 17, 2012

Mommy Daughter Day

I decided to take the day off on Friday to spend the day with Kallie. As a full-time working mom the only time I stay home during the week with her is when she is sick and I definitely don’t consider that bonding. Sadly when she woke up on Friday she had a running nose and a cough. I decided we should still go to the zoo to perk her up and enjoy the sunny weather. All and all the zoo was a bit overwhelming for my girl. For some reason she was afraid of all the animals and just wanted to be held or sit in her stroller (that is how I knew she was really not feeling well). She did however love riding carousal and jumping on the rocks with the other kiddos

Luckily Grammy was with us and was able to cheer her up with a picnic lunch in their backyard. Kallie was so excited to sit on a blanket and eat her lunch. In fact, the moment she woke up from her nap she wanted to have a picnic snack. Although our mommy/daughter day did not turn out as expected with Kallie not feeling well it was nice to spend the day with my baby girl. I got extra snuggles and kisses that night which made it worth every second!

I have made it my goal to slow down and enjoy the time I spend with Kallie. Every day seems to be a bit chaotic after a long day at work and daycare but there is nothing better than sitting down, setting my phone down, turning off the TV and just living in that moment!


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