Thursday, February 16, 2012

Speical Moments

I knew taking Kallie's final bottle away at nighttime would be hard on her but I had no idea how emotional it would be for me . . .

I have know for months that Kallie does not technically need her night time bottle but for some reason it gave me comfort giving it to her anyway. It has been part of our routine for 18 months! I found it so upsetting to think about Kallie and I heading upstairs like we always do, putting on her night night suit (sleep sack)like we always do, snuggling in to the rocking chair like we always do and then what????? Our next step has always been Kallie drinks her bottle while I rock her and sing songs, the thought of taking that special moment away so upsetting to me. I know it sounds dramatic but that is truly how I felt about it.

On Monday night we headed upstairs w/ a sippy cup not a bottle. Kallie kept saying ba-ba, ba-ba? Instead of her ba-ba I handed her the sippy cup and it was at that moment when we started our new routine. We picked out a handful of books, snuggled into the rocking chair and started to read. Ever few pages Kallie would look at me and say ba-ba, but I would continue to read. After we read all 5 books (next time I am shooting for 3) we rocked and rocked and rocked and rocked! As we were rocking it hit me . . . I was the one who was upset that Kallie didn’t get a bottle any more. It was taking away MY special time with my baby girl, and I began to cry. I never realized how special that moment was until I took it away!

Tonight will be night 5 of no bottle and I think we have rounded the corner. She still cries when I leave the room but that has happened since she was a tiny baby. I am really happy that Kallie seems to like our new routine of reading books, rocking and singing songs.

I have decided that reading and rocking my baby girl can be my new special mommy daughter time and I LOVE IT!!!

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