Sunday, June 29, 2014

New Patio

We have been thinking about updates we want to do to our house.  We started with hardwood up was a concrete patio in our backyard to replace the rocks.  On Friday Eric and his buddy Hoyt got to work and by Sarurday it was finished and I love it!  It sure is nice to have Mr. Fix It hubby!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Little Kickers

Kallie started Little Kickers today and she loved it!  She is the only girl in her class but that didn't stop her for one second.  She was a great listener and loved all of the fun games they played.  She is actually pretty darn good if you ask me.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Memorial Day weekend at the cabin

We spent Memorial Day weekend on Vashon and had a great time.  There were a ton of people around and so many kiddos under the age of five which made it really fun for Kallie.  The weather turned out ok which meant lots of beach walks looking for treasures, searching for crabs, BBQ's and relaxing in the deck.  Eric fixed up the bunk-house so bring in summer!

Bring on Summer

I love sunny weekends in Seattle!  Today we had fun spending the day outside going to the park, blowing bubbles, watering our garden, yard work and most importantly bringing out the sprinkler for the first time this year (Kallie and Coho loved it). 

My favorite part was when the Popsicle man drove by... Kallie had no idea who it was and was so excited to find out!  I have a feeling she will be the Popsicle mans biggest fan this summer!