Kallie, you are one silly, smart, funny girl. You love to sing, dance, tell funny jokes, recite random animal facts, play soccer, build houses with your legos, family game night, playing shopkins, all art projects, running around, reading, school and of course building things with daddy. You love spending time together as a family playing family games, going on adventures to the river, going out on the boat and of course watching our favorite shows American Ninja Warrior and Naked & Afraid (it is not as bad as it sounds).
You love learning, going to school and of course Cougar Club. You are a great friend who is compassionate and wants to make sure everyone is happy and included. I could not be more proud!
I decided a few years ago that I would always take the day off on your birthday so we could spend the day together letting you choose what we do. Today we spent the day at the zoo and had so much fun. I gave you the map and off we went. I am pretty sure we walked in circles and took the long route to every animal but we laughed and decided it didn't matter because we were together, it was perfect! We ended your birthday meeting daddy for dinner and of course a special trip to our favorite frozen yogurt store.
I look forward to spending the day with you every year and hope this is a tradition that lasts a lifetime! Happy Birthday Kallie, I love you to the moon and back!
(58lbs & 51.5in ... +90% in height!)
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