Last night when I was rocking you to sleep I started to tear up thinking about how fast time has gone by. I remember they day you were born like it was yesterday. You were so tiny for the first few months. We struggled to get you to eat and now you gobble up everything we put in front of you . . . and you have round chubby belly just like I did when I was a baby!
Over the last few months you have continued to amaze me. You have learned so many new tricks. Some of your favorites are waving, clapping, giggling, playing peek-a-boo, crawling after you dog and just today on your 1st birthday you pulled yourself up all by yourself!!! Your dad and I could not be more proud!
Our lives changed in the most amazing way when you were born and the last year has been the best year of my life. Ever since I was a little girl I knew I wanted to be a mom, I just never knew how extraordinary journey would be. I feel so blessed and and thank God every day for bringing you into our lives. Happy 1st Birthday, I love you!
Love Mommy
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