That night I was a bit worried about the baby but she seemed to move a bit here and there so we decided not to call the Dr. Friday morning I noticed my belly was pretty sore and Baby Bates was not moving as much as she usually does. SO . . . I gave in and called the Dr. They were glad I called and had me go to the triage clinic that morning. Eric picked me up from work and off we went.
Basically they wanted to monitor the babies heart rate and my contractions until 7:30 that night. Her heartbeat was great and my contractions started to space out more once I had fluids from the IV etc. We also had an ultrasound to make sure there was no bleeding and that the placenta did not have any abruptions.
After a long nervous day everything tured out great. The Dr. said Baby Bates was healthy and that she did not see any issues we should worry about. We did learn that our "little" girl is about 5 pounds . . . which is the 80th percentile for 32.5 weeks. We have one healthy girl on our hands!!!

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