Happy 12th Birthday! Today was a big day, not only is it your birthday but you got your first cell phone. You were shocked, excited and a wee nervous all at the same time. It was so fun to surprise you with such a big gift - one you have been wanting for a very long time.
After gifts we packed up and spent the afternoon at the zoo - this is a birthday tradition we started years ago that you still love. Followed by birthday froyo at your favorite spot in Issaquah. I love your love for traditions!
The birthday fun continued over the weekend with a paddle boarding/beach day with some of your closest soccer friends. You guys spent hours paddling and jumping and and off the boards. We headed home for birthday cake and backyard soccer of course (with Murphy). You are one lucky girl to have so many great friends to help you celebrate.
We love you - Happy Birthday to you!
Note: At your annual check up you were just under 5' 7" (99%) !!!