Friday, November 27, 2020

The Perfect Christmas Tree


We decided to get our Christmas tree early this year to bring a bit of joy to our house.  Being stuck at home is hard for everyone so we figured why not!  We found the perfect tree at a local tree from in Issaquah - Trinity Tree Farm.  

Once we got it home we realized it was WAY bigger than our usual trees which is probably a good thing since we have so many ornaments.  Let the Christmas Season Begin!

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Thanksgiving for Four

Thanksgiving looked a little (well ALOT) different this year.  We usually host Eric's entire family (20-24 people) but due to the COVID and the mandate that you should only be inside with your immediate family that was not an option.  Instead we invited Grammy over and made the best of it. I cooked all of the fixings and my mom made dessert.  Although it was not our usual Thanksgiving we had a great day and are very grateful for our health and family.

Monday, November 9, 2020

Ears Pierced!

Today was a big day . . . Kallie got her ears pierced.  She has been asking every day for weeks now so figured it was time.   With soccer on break due to COVID this was the perfect opportunity.  We made an appointment at a local fine jewelry store in Issaquah and went for it.  She is a happy girl and they look great!