Friday, July 24, 2020

Summer Family Adventures


As we continue to social distance from family and friends we have made a point to get outside.  Thankfully Eric knows quite a few amazing spots on the river that have been fun to explore.  We also had a great day trip hiking the "ghost town" in Franklin ending up at an beautiful waterfall I never new existed - it is definitely a hidden gem.

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Summertime on Vashon

Due to the pandemic/COVID the CDC had recommended that you only see people in your immediate household.  So we have spent most of our time since March as a family of three . . . not seeing anyone in my family until the 4th of July.  We made the decision to spend the weekend together on Vashon like we have done every year.   We did our best to spend most of the time outside with just the Bates, Boatman & Kelsey crew.  It was so worth it!