Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Bring on the summer sunshine

We had amazing weather this weekend so we spent most of our time outside.  On Saturday we had a garage sale and Kallie's first lemonade stand.  She decided her lemonade would be free because she said some people might be thirsty but not have enough money.  I amazed by her compassion and empathy for others...so very sweet!

We ended our weekend with a boat ride on Lake Samammish, running through the sprinkler and cooling off with a treat from the popscicle man!

The Three Little Pigs by KPA

On Friday Kallie's KPA class put on a show for all of the parents.  Kallie was one of the wolves in The Three Little Pigs.  She practiced her lines for weeks and did  great!  Here are a few pics from the performance...