Becoming a mom has been the most amazing, challenging and rewarding adventure I am so happy I am on. I have learned so many lessons since I started this journey 3.5 years ago. Although I think the most important lesson I learned the moment I set eyes on Kallie was the feeling of unconditional love. There are times I get frustrated or even mad when she seems to not be listening to anything I am saying or does the exact opposite of what I have asked her to do but then she looks at me with that little smile and it all melts away. I love being a mom and more importantly a mom to Kallie. I thank God every day for giving me this gift. I am proud to have the title “Mom” and would not want it any other way.
A note to my girl –
I thought today would be the perfect day to tell you how much I love you. You are truly the light of my life and I am honored to be your mom. You are the one person who can make me smile no matter what I might be going through that day. You make me want to be the best mom I can every day so I can take you along this journey of life. It is my job to teach you the ropes and I love every minute of it. I admit I am not perfect but I do my best every day and acknowledge that we are on this journey together learning from one another every day.
You continue to amaze us every day with your smarts, sassiness and genuine love. We are proud to be your parents and look forward taking this journey with you!
Here are a few fun facts about things you enjoy at 3.5 years old:
• You will only wear dresses and tend to wear two dresses and even a skirt all at the same time
• You love to accessorize (bracelets, necklaces, headbands, rings etc)
• If it were up to you, you would wear a princess dress, tiara and heels every day
• You love going on adventures in the “dark part of the woods”
• Your favorite colors are purple & pink (you like them both equally)
• You love going to school and playing with your friends (Morgan is your BFF in class)
• You love doing artwork (painting, beads, drawing, stamps – all of it)
• You love playing in your princess tent and always want mommy or daddy in there too
• You love anything that has to do with the move Frozen and insist we call you Elsa
• You love the shows Sheriff Callie, Daniel Tiger and Jake and the Neverland Pirates
• Some of your favorite foods are tater tots, salmon, chicken/rice, raspberries, honeydew
• You absolutely adore your cousin Mac (you love all of your cousins but have a special place in your heart for Mac whom you call Macky-mooters)
• You like going to swimming lessons but always tell me you are good at soccer – I just signed you up for Little Kickers and can’t wait to surprise you
• Your favorite thing to talk about is your birthday all year long (just like your daddy)
• You do not like going to bed and tend to do anything and everything to keep us in your room – oh and you generally get out of bed 2-3 times after we put you in there (ARGH) even after our bedtime routine which consists of bath, 2 books, 3 songs and snuggles (way too much I know)
• You are a mama’s girl but if you ask me something and I say no you go straight to daddy to see if you can get him to say yes!
I loved my gift that Kallie made in her class . . . her teachers are amazing and come up with amazing ideas to make us feel loved! "I love my mom because she puts cozy blankets on me and I miss her when I am at school" - I miss you too baby girl!