We have been talking about Halloween ever since Kallie's Super Girl costume arrived three weeks ago. Kallie was so excited for the daycare parade and or course trick-or-treading in our neighborhood. We get hundreds of kiddos each year which is really fun and quite a change from zero trick or treaters when we lived in West Seattle.
Unfortunately Kallie came down with croup two days before Halloween so she was out of school resting up for the big day. We decided to send her to school on Halloween so she would not miss the parade (she and let's be honest I would be so sad if she missed it). She was a trooper that day but a bit tired/emotional during the parade but she did it.
When we got home she was done . . . she did not want to put a costume on or go trick-or-treating, it was just too much after a long day at school and still recouping from being sick. I will admit the thought of her not wearing a costume and not tricker or treating was so sad to me. As a parent you want your child to enjoy every holiday as much as you have envisioned it in your head but unfortunately that does not always happen.
At the end of the day she did go trick or treating for a bit and had a great time (no she did not have her costume on) but her favorite part was answering the door and passing out candy. I will admit watching her get excited each time someone knocked at the door and then snuggling on my lap until the next kiddos arrived was fine by me!