Well today was the day - while Kallie and I were at dance class daddy was at home taking the crib down and setting up her big girl bed! When we got home we went straight to her room to show her the surprise and she screamed with excitement "A BIG GIRL BED"! She jumped right up and put her head on her pillow smiling from ear to ear. It was obvious by the smile on her face that she was ready - so here we go!
UPDATE 5.13.13:
Kallie has been sleeping in her big girl bed for just shy of two weeks. We have had some good moments and bad moments but overall she is doing great. I would say the two biggest issues are that she stalls like crazy at bedtime and she wakes up WAY too early (anywhere between 4:30-5:30)and comes in our room ready to play! Here teacher suggested I try a toddler wake up clock that glows green when she can get out of bed. So far on night two she has come in our room at 5:30 and then I put her back to bed and she gets up when it turns green (she must just sit and stare at it but that's fine with me!). I am hoping a few more nights of being consistent will help her sleep more - we have one tired household these days!
UPDATE 6.7.13
The last week has been rough - Miss Kallie Bates seems to love to get up numerous times (sometimes 8+) throughout the night. Last night was a bit better (up 3x's) but I am really hoping for a full night sleep for everyone in our house VERY soon!