Saturday, April 27, 2013

Dancing Queen

Today was a day I had been waiting for since I found we were having a girl . . . Kallie's first dance class! I think I might have been more excited than she was considering I could hardly sleep. Last weekend I made it my mission to find Kallie the perfect dance outfit and I succeeded - Pink and Sparkly! Kallie's eyes lit up when I showed it to her she immediately called it her ballerina dress and wanted to try it and twirl.

From the moment she woke up this morning she was ready for dance. Of course when we got there she was shy at first but immediately warmed up when the teacher came over to say hi. The teacher let the kiddos know that they were going to have so much fun and that the parents would be right outside the door. Most of the girls nodded and headed off to class with the parents smiling proudly as the teacher shut the door. Kallie looked back to make sure we were still there and off she went.

It was so fun watching Kallie listen intently as her teacher gave her directions . . . doing her best to try every move. I am pretty sure Eric and I took more pictures than any parent but to be honest I don't care I am one proud mama!

It is days like today that remind me how lucky I am to have a daughter!

Monday, April 22, 2013


This weekend was a great girls weekend. Sophia and Ella came over on Saturday for a sleepover. Kallie was so excited to see her cousins and even more excited when they were in her room when she woke up from her nap. From that moment on they were three peas in a pod.  

From the Spring Festival to taking a walking in the rain to baking a cake the girls  had fun from beginning to end.  Kallie is so lucky to have such caring cousins in her life.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

The Perfect Day

Sunday was one of those days that reminded me of how much I love being a mom! As a parent there are good days, some not so good days and then there are perfect days you wish would not end. Well Sunday was one of those days for me. We spent the first part of the morning snuggling and watching Kallie's favorite shows Super Why and Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer (yes it is April and we are still watching Rudolph!) and then it was off to the lake to feed the ducks. We bundled up, grabed some bread, our sand toys and put our rubber boots on so we could splash in the puddles along the way. Kallie was so excited I thought she might burst.

It was so fun watching Kallie enjoy every moment from splashing in puddles on our way to the beach, feeding the ducks, blowing bubbles, picking flowers {well daisys and butter cups) to building a pretend birthday cake in the sand and decorating it with flowers (we even sang Happy Birthday). We ended our morning with a trip to Starbucks to warm up with some hot cocoa!

It is days like this that make all the craziness of life worth every single minute. Seeing the innocent joy on Kallie's face was absolutely priceless. I feel like the luckies mom in the world!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Family Weekend Fun

Sunday was family fun day! Kallie has been talking about going swimmer ever since her buddy Cooper started swim lessons last week. I decided to take Kallie to Target on Saturday to pick out the perfect swimmy-suit. She picked a pink and white striped suit with orange straps - Perfect!

Little did she know we had a surprise for her on Sunday. We went to open swim at the local pool (she has taken lessons there before). She was so excited when we told her she jumped up and down until we left the house. The pool didn't open until 11 so we had to think of something to do before swimming. We took a trip to Starbucks followed by riding the $0.25 rides at Crossroads and then it was off to swimming.

It was so fun to see how exicted she was just checking in at the front desk, she was jumping around and ready to go. She loved every minute of our adventure but I am sure she would tell you that her favorite part was jumping off the ledge into her daddy's arms over and over and over and over again. I would say family day was a huge success for all!

I was once again reminded that it is the little things that really matter most. Love you baby girl!

I had to include theis photo too because it cracks me up - Princess Kallie!