Sunday, March 17, 2013

Easter Egg Fun

Technically today is St. Patrick's Day but it also felt like the perfect day to dye Easter eggs for the first time.  Kallie was not exactly sure what she was supposed to do but she quickly figured it out.  She thought it was best to put an egg in each color and then drop it in the next color to see what would happen.  She actually thought she was supposed to paint with them after she dropped them in the water so we made quite a mess but had a great time doing it.

OK, I confess we dyed eggs today because Eric and I head to Hawaii next weekend for 7 days without Kallie and we don't return until after dinner on Easter . . . the mom guilt is driving me crazy . . . I even have her Easter basket ready to go.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Perfect Island Day

We decided to head to the cabin bright on early on Sunday morning to enjoy the sunshine.  It was a perfect day to enjoy the beach.  Erika, Viktor and Raina joined us on our adventure.  Kallie was so excited to look for crabbies (Bobby Ha-Ha to be exact – the crab she named last year) on the beach and build sand castles.  The moment we had even a few feet of beach Kallie was off . . . all of the sand toys were out and the fun began.  I know I have said this before but I can’t say it enough – It is so fun watching Kallie enjoy the beach as much as I did when I was a kid.  This is one family tradition I hope continues to be passed down generation to generation.