Friday, July 13, 2012

Happy 23 months!

Kallie Wow 23 three months already, where did the time go? You are going up so fast, too fast if you ask me!

This month has been all about talking and “Kallie do it”. You are now saying three or four words together and you really like to repeat everything mommy and daddy say which can get us in trouble at times! Some of your current favorites are:

Dinner time or Din Din Mommy Kallie do it Follow me mama/dada No No ToeToe (Coho) Chase daddy Elmo, Big Bird, Bert, Ernie, The Count & Cook Cook One more time (when you want me to read another book)

Speaking of Sesame Street as a special treat we let you watch it on the weekends. You love to count like the Count . . . ONE- hahaha, TWO hahaha, THREE hahaha – We do this over and over! You also love pretending eating cookies & letters like Cook Cook (AKA: Cookie Monster). Another one of your favorite activities is dancing. When you hear music you immediately start to wiggle, sometimes just your arms but most of the times your whole body wiggles or you spin in circles until you are so dizzy you fall down.

This summer we have spent a few weekends on Vashon and you LOVE IT. You continue to talk about the crabbies on the beach, building sand castles and of course going fast on the boat with daddy. It is so fun to watch you explore the world with no fear.

Over the last 23 months we have watched you grow into a little girl right before our eyes. Happy 23 months baby girl, we love you!


Mommy & Daddy (Coho too)

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Happy 4th of July 2012

We spent the weekend on Vashon with the entire Boatman/Bates/Kelsey clan. Although the cabin was crowded it was so great to spend time with the family. Watching Kallie play with her cousins is much fun. She wants to do everything they do and does her best to keep up. She loves looking for crabbies on the beach with papa; she actually picks them right up showing no fear (she has no idea they can pinch her). We also went on boat rides with the new boat, played at the park, made sand castles, played games out front and Kallie even tried fishing off of the bulkhead. I have no doubt she will be ready for her first fishing trip with her daddy very soon!

We spent the 4th of July at home this year since it was in the middle of the week. Of course I had Kallie dressed in red, white and blue (thanks Grammy for the new shirt). We enjoyed the sunshine and spent lots of time outside playing in the sandbox, helping daddy wash the cars, blowing bubbles and playing with a bucket of water toys on the deck. We had a great family day which is just how it is supposed to be!