Saturday, June 23, 2012

Letter to Daddy


I talked to Kallie and we wanted to write you a little note to wish you a Happy Father's Day! You are the most amazing daddy I know. I always knew you would be a great dad but great does not even begin to describe the type of father you are . . . AMAZING is more like it.

I will never forget the moment when we saw Kallie for the first time, we both looked at here in amazement with tears in our eyes. She had you wrapped around her little finger from that moment on.

I remember when we brought Kallie home for the first time we just looked at each other and wondered what we were supposed to do next. We worked as a team and took it one day at a time.

Here we are 22 months later . . . and I feel so lucky to be on this journey with you. Thank you for being the best daddy and husband in the world. Happy Father's day . . . We love you!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Happy 22 Months Baby Girl!

Kallie- Today you turn 22 months old and continue to be the light of my life. You are such a spunky little girl that likes to keep us on our toes. You let us know exactly what you want and if you don’t get it you let us know that too (emotional just like your mama).

Your vocabulary is expanding every day. You are like a little parrot repeating everything we say . . . which can be good and bad if we are not careful! In the last month you have started to put 2 and sometimes 3 words together which is so fun. Some of your favorite words/phrases are:

Oh brother (Nana taught you this)
Birdies (sounds like boobies!)
Daddy Truck
Stop Sign
Siren Truck
Crabbies Beach
Kallie’s Jammies
Nake-Nake (which means you want to be naked)
Cup Cake (when referring to your cup cake sleepsack)
Follow Mommy

< You also love to read books, usually the same ones over and over and over and over! Your current favorite books to read before bed/nap are:

Good Night Ocean
The Armadillo Book – (you call them “Dillos”)
The Animal Book
Where’s Spot
Oliver (you call the book “Ollie”)

One of your favorite things to do is play chase with daddy. You both have strollers and run around the house chasing each other squealing with a big grin on your face (Daddy of course lets you win). You also love riding your scoot bike around the kitchen, pretending to make soup which we all have to taste, coloring, and playing your new Ernie and Bert dolls (courtesy of Grammy).

Watching you grow and discover the world has been so much fun. I am excited to see what’s next! I love you baby girl, Happy 22 months!

Love Mama