You continue to amaze your daddy and I each day. I swear you are learning a handful of new words every time you come home from daycare. Some of your new favorite words are pig, cow, happy, swing, tree and of course your favorite word continues to be airplane. You are becoming your own little person you know exactly what you want and definitely let us know. If I pull out a shirt you don't want to wear you immediately say no-no-no while frantically shaking your head. The same goes for food although you like to throw your food across the room as you say no . . . Coho thinks it is pretty cool! Speaking of food your current favorites are pears, asparagus, mashed potatoes, tater tots, hot dogs (veggie or beef), oatmeal with raisins and applesauce.
You also love naming off everyone in your family as you point to each of us; mommy, daddy, coho and then you point to yourself smiling when we say Kallie! One highlight I can't forget to mention is that you were able to wear you first ponytail like a big girl versus on top of your head like you had in the past. You were so proud pointing to my ponytail and then pointing to yours. . . such a big moment for all girls :)
I love watching you discover new things. Lately you have been trying to walk up the stairs alone while holding the railing and doing the same thing on the climber at the playground. You always look back at me with a huge smile so proud of yourself.
The last 19 months have been life changing in the most amazing way possible. We brought you into the world knowing we would love you but we had no idea just how much! We love you baby girl...

And the ponytail!