With the move to Issaquah we decided to put Kallie in the daycare at Starbucks. Our first choice was to continue our nanny share with her wonderful nanny Alexandra and buddy Cy. When Eric and I sat down to think about the time we would spend driving to and from W. Seattle we decided we would rather spend that extra time with Kallie. Being working parents we don't get to spend much time at night with Kallie and the thought of driving instead of spending time with her at night made our decision final.
So today was the day I had been dreading for weeks. I decided if I didn’t think about it maybe it would just go away which turned out not to be the case. I woke up feeling confident about our decision and talked to Kallie the entire way to daycare in the car telling her how much fun she was going to have with her new friends and reminding her over and over again that “mommy would always come back”.
Kallie was so excited when we walked into her classroom. While I was busy putting away her bottles, extra clothes etc. she was busy making friends. She was giggling and having fun from the moment we walked in. I decided to hang out with her for a bit so she (well let’s be honest so I ) could get comfortable.
When it was time for me to go leave Kallie was all smiles as I was fighting back tears (crying). I know Kallie is in great hands with her three teachers I just wish I was able to be her teacher. I fear missing her big moments like when she starts to crawl or takes her first step. I know as each day goes by it will get easier. Kallie loved being with her nanny Alexandra and I am sure she will love being with her new daycare friends too. I look forward to watching her interact and grow with her new friends in her class.
When I walked in to pick up Kallie tonight she smiled and put her arms out. I was so happy she was smiling and very happy to see me. Her teachers are so great . . . the made a little book for me with pictures and notes about Kallie’s first day . . . such a special treat! Here are a few pics from her first day.

And she's out!