Happy 16 months Kallie B! I continue to be amazed by you each day. You are becoming your own little person with a feisty personality. Currently your most favorite thing to do is read books with mom and dad. Every night when we get home from work/daycare you immediately walk to your basket full of books to pick a few for us to read over and over and over. Your favorites at the moment are; I love you Mommy, I love you Daddy, Colors, Pajama Dance, The Going to Bed Book and your Animal book.
You also love to climb up and down the stairs, play in your tunnel, bath time, feed Coho from his food tub, use a fork (sort of), throw your food on the floor at every meal (not so funny), make animal noises (cow, horse, snake, lion, bear, owl) and spin around on the floor in circles which makes you dizzy. Currently your words are: mama, dada, dog, papa, duck, coho and of course no (as you wave your finger in the air).
Your favorite foods are: mac & cheese, turkey hot dogs, waffles, bananas, peaches, cheese, puffs, raisins, oatmeal, yogurt (vanilla & peach). You refuse to eat pretty much any vegetable I put on your plate even if I try to hide it inside your pasta!
Kallie, we love you more and more each day and look forward to watching you learn and grow. XOXOXO