Thursday, September 30, 2010
Just playing in my room
Today we decided to pull out the playmat for Kallie. We thought being on her back and looking at all of the bright animals would be fun for her. She liked it for about 3 minutes and then started to kick and punch the monkey that was above her head . . . I guess he was in her personal space :)

Kallie's First Smile
Eric and I have been trying to get Kallie to smile for the last week. We tried to persuade her by talking to her, tickling her and using her bright toys but nothing was making our little one smile. . .UNTIL she met Guch!! Yes you got it her first smile was when Eric's best friend Guch was holding her. BUT today she smiled for me and I was ready for it with my camera in hand. This little smile melted my heart!!!
Monday, September 27, 2010
I love my daddy!
Weekend Fun
Saturday was such a beautiful day we decided to go for a walk around Green Lake with Kallie and Coho. I am pretty sure Kallie could have cared less while Coho was in heaven (HA). After our walk we head to the Minnaar's house to visit baby Cooper. Kallie and Cooper were on their best behavior and slept pretty much the entire time. The adults were tired too so we just vegged on the couch, ate dinner and watched a movie. It is really nice to have friends going through the same sleep deprivation we are :) Here are a few pictures of Kallie and Cooper on their first date . . .

Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Kallie and her new PEPS friends
Kalie and I have been going to a PEPS group in our neighborhood for three weeks now. We meet every week with a group of women and their babies who live in our neighborhood. Each week we have a different topic to discuss. It is a great opportunity to hear what other moms are doing and experiencing with their kiddos but most importantly a chance to get out of the house. I really like the girls in my group and we all live within a mile of each other which is really nice. I met one of the girls for a walk yesterday. Here are two pictures of Kallie and her new friends! Most of the kiddos are sleeping with their arms above their heads which is too cute!
(Kallie is in the purple. . .just look for the scared hair and that's our girl!)

(Kallie is in the purple. . .just look for the scared hair and that's our girl!)
Friday, September 17, 2010
Life Lessons
Over the last few weeks I have been struggling with breastfeeding. It has consumed me and I started to lose myself and forget what is most important . . . Kallie! Being a new mom is amazing and challenging at the same time. There is no one there to give you the answers b/c guess what the answers are up to you!! A friend of mine sent me this video today and it truly hit home and made me cry. It is so refreshing to know that I am not the only new mom out there that wonders daily . . . "Am I being a good mom?, Is my baby breathing? Am I doing this the right way? Will the lack of sleep ever end? Is she gaining enough weight" . . . the list goes on and on.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Happy One Month Baby Girl
Today Kallie is one month old! I truly can't believe how fast the time has gone by but at the same time I can't remember what our life was like without her. This first month has been so much fun. Kallie you are our precious little gift. In your first month you love to do so many things . . .Looking around when we say your name, Practicing tummy time on daddy's chest, Moving your arms and legs around like crazy, Sleeping in your sleep sack, Rocking with mommy after late night feedings, Pooping right after I put you in a new diaper, Sitting in your swing and of course getting big wet kisses from Coho
Happy one month baby girl . . . we love you!

Happy one month baby girl . . . we love you!
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Kallie amazes me every day. I catch myself just looking at her for hours. I love watching her look around the room, flailing her arms, listening intently to our voices, and of course sleeping becauseshe looks so peaceful.
One of my favorite things to do is to snuggle Kallie on my chest while she is sleeping. I love the little grunting noises she makes and when she has her hand on my chest. The other night I could not stop looking at her and thinking how much I love her. I got up and just started crying. Eric asked what was wrong and I said "I just love her so much" . . . I think it was that specific moment when I realized how much I lover her and how blessed I feel to have her in my life. I just can't believe how lucky we are!

One of my favorite things to do is to snuggle Kallie on my chest while she is sleeping. I love the little grunting noises she makes and when she has her hand on my chest. The other night I could not stop looking at her and thinking how much I love her. I got up and just started crying. Eric asked what was wrong and I said "I just love her so much" . . . I think it was that specific moment when I realized how much I lover her and how blessed I feel to have her in my life. I just can't believe how lucky we are!
Coho and his baby sister Kallie
As you all know Coho has been our baby for the last two years. Eric and I have spoiled him since the day he came home with us. He is Eric's hunting partner in the winter and my walking partner year round. With that said, we were not sure how Coho would do with our new addition Kallie. Eric brought a blanket home from the hospital with Kallie's smell on it and in true Coho fashion he tried to eat it. Did that mean he was going to try and eat Kallie???. . . we were not so sure! At first Coho just ignored her and now he goes around the house trying to find her. We say "where's your sissy" and he sniffs around and gives her a big lick on the head. I wouldn't say he loves her just yet but I keep telling him she is going to be his best friend very soon :) Here are some pictures of Coho getting to know his new baby sister.

First Day of PEPS
Kallie and I decided to join the back to school bandwagon yesterday by going to our first PEPS group. I was a little nervous because I wasn't sure what to expect but ended up having a good time. All of the girls in my group live close to me in West Seattle and have babies that were born in late July and August. I think Kallie had fun but I am not sure since she slept the entire time. . .haha!!! I am looking forward to the next meeting and hopefully meeting some new friends from our neighborhood.
Kallie put on her "go out" clothes for the adventure :)
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Kallie's first trip to Vashon
This weekend we took Kallie on her first day trip to Vashon. My parents, brother and sister were all up there for the long weekend. The weather as not perfect but we had a good time hanging out and enjoying the cabin. I am so excited for Kallie to grow up going to Vashon like we did . . . she is going to have so much fun looking for crabs, playing on the beach, boating with papa and running around with her cousins.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Still a little peanut
We took Kallie to the Dr. yesterday for a weight check. She gained 2.5oz in six days which is lower than they had hoped for. I have been breastfeeding and pumping every time I feed her. The Dr. decided that my milk supply is just barely getting her by and suggested we supplement with formula after each feeding. She thinks once Kallie gets a bit more weight and strength she will have no problem breastfeeding but for now we need to supplement to get her big and strong. Both Eric and I are on board with the plan because truly the most important thing is that she is eating and growing. I will admit that it was a bit upsetting to hear because I have been trying so hard breastfeeding and pumping each time which those of you who have pumped can understand how time consuming that can be and then to hear it isn't working was not the news I was hoping for.
Kallie is doing great and will be a big girl in no time. We are sticking with this plan for now and head back to the Dr. on Friday for another weight check.

Kallie is doing great and will be a big girl in no time. We are sticking with this plan for now and head back to the Dr. on Friday for another weight check.
Big Girl Bath
Yesterday we decided to give Kallie her first big girl bath. We borrowed a tub from Alison that fits perfectly in our kitchen sink. I have to admit the sponge bath was much easier since Kallie is such a squirmy worm. I thought Kallie would love the warm water but that was not the case . . . maybe next time!!

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